Monday, November 3, 2008

finding time for "love"

well. seems like life is getting really busy here lately. christmas is coming, and chick-fil-a is slowly starting to take over my life.
amidst all the chaos, i had a chance to drive down to pike county to see my beautiful niece and nephew and take some pictures for their family christmas card, here is the latest proof i made. let me know what you think.

Next sunday i will be starting some christmas cards for the Smith family, Kelly, Michael, and Cooper (their dog.) Check back for a post showcasing their fun family!

Friday, October 24, 2008

i love russ. a lot. even when i try not to.

Marriage is such a great reminder of Jesus and his faithfulness to us.
We can fail over and over again, but He is always there.
And somehow he always shows me He.

I glogged again, and this one is for my husband.

Friday, October 10, 2008

so, i haven't put any textures on these yet, but i wanted to try out a collage look... and i thoroughly enjoy them.

reasons why i enjoy these in a collage:

number one.
i love the fact that the smaller pictures are all put together to make one large image. and since i am not a "professional" photographer, the lower quality images don't scream "unprofessional" so loud since they aren't standing alone... and all together it looks much more professional.

number two:
i have always been a fan of piet mondrian. he was a dutch painter, and he primarily used grids in all of his work, and i feel like i am just sticking pictures inside the squares of his paintings...
he also used bold primary colors, to create a very modern look, and i think that is why i liked the last one, and just made a spot of red...

and lastly:
as i was making these collages, my personal desire to make family christmas postcards increased tremendously.
can you imagine how cute these would be on a postcard stuck to your friends' refrigerators showing off you and your family?
plus, postcard postage is considerably less than mailing a christmas card in an envelope!

the cost to mail a postcard: $0.27
the cost to mail a letter: $0.42
easy choice in my opinion.

let me know if you're interested, i would love to do one before christmas to test it out, and then i will sell them. First come, first serve!

let's all throw out some prices of what you would pay for a christmas postcard... let's say a minimum of 50 postcards, personally photographed, designed, and printed for you to mail. what would you pay?

miss grace hankins

okay, so it has been a ridiculously long time since my last post, and i sincerely apologize, BUT, it is a good thing that I have stayed busy, cause that means there will be a lot of "catch-up posts"

Since it is very very ridiculously late at night, I will only give a small hint of what is to come from my designer life... so here it is.

my first untraditional senior photo project client:
Grace Hankins, junior at Model High School, and gorgeous.

stay tuned as these pictures transform from simple pictures from my little Sony Cybershot point and shoot camera and they take shape as untraditional senior photo projects, designed by yours truly. Feel free to leave me some ideas that you have to aid the transformation!

ALSO, Just a little shout out to my college roommate: Kelly Smith, to say thanks for posting about me this week! And congratulations on the new house!

Monday, September 22, 2008

so i am involved with a non-profit group that supports teen mothers.

it's called young moms, and i absolutely love helping these young girls. We believe that bad decisions do have life changing effects, but we do our best to give these young mothers helpful information, and unconditional support to encourage them to start making good decisions, and become great people with great families. Anyways, with that piece of background info, some of the extra things that we get to do with the girls is to just have fun, with cookie decorating parties, games, and making cute crafts. And that is where I come in (besides being the in-house designer for all of our logos, flyers, postcards, nametags, etc.) I have been put in charge of what i consider the most entertaining portion of our time together with the girls. Craft-time!

So I just wanted to share my enthusiasm about all the crafts we have put together, and what is in store for the future.

The first week we designed light switch plates:
The second week we decorated candles:
The third week we made cute letter magnets
and tonight we are designing personal planners!

Just wanted to share what i am usually up to every other monday!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Sound on Photography Logo, Twitter, Chelsea Petaja, and Incorrect Sentence Usage

just a few updates:
(I want to apologize for the recent lengthy posts full of text, and no images, so to go along with each of my updates on this post, i have included a photo, just for your viewing pleasure.)

The Sound On Photography logo evolution won't be needed! My initial thought was that we would see some font changes, color changes, sizing/spatial changes, concept changes, etc., and we would watch it grow from the beginning to the end, BUT that isn't necessary, cause Chris loved the design, and we will only be making some small changes to complete the logo. I won't be posting the logo on my blog once i am finished, but you can check it out on Chris' blog when i am finished and he uploads it.

Twittering is one of my new favorite things to do! It is so simple, and it is fun to let everyone know what you are up to, BUT i don't know a lot of people on the site, and that kind of makes me sad. I think it is because most people log onto facebook to check out what everyone is doing, but for some reason, i just prefer Twitter over Facebook. So join, and we can all follow each other.

I just found my friend, Chelsea's blog! I love this girl, and she is such an inspiration for creativity. You should definitely check her out, and buy something from her off etsy. And by the way, Chelsea is by far the most beautiful person i know. Just so you are aware.

I guess this is really some kind of blogging "disclaimer":
if you are becoming a regular reader, or if this is your first read, please be aware, that i absolutely love run-on sentences. I don't try to avoid them, more so, i try to use them as often as possible. I apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause to some of you, but to keep in the fashion of "being myself" on my blog, this is the way that i think, for the most part the way that i speak, so look forward to more run-on sentences to come.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sound On Photography

Everyone, meet my friend, Chris Bartelski. He is a fairly new friend of mine who does theatre sound design down in Atlanta, and will be going into photography with his wife in the near future. She actually did my wedding photography and she comes highly recommended. Well anyways, this afternoon Chris asked me to create a logo for his new blog, and I have to be honest I was pretty pumped about it. I mean, today started out pretty awful cause i was terribly sick and had to come home from work, but all of a sudden I had a great project to work on in the midst of my sickness.
Anyways, since I am a sharer of all my design, i figured I wouldn't keep this one from you guys. You will get to see the entire evolution of this logo... and please give me your feedback... what you think is obviously very important, since you are undoubtedly a blog reader, and this logo is for his blog. So please leave comments, suggestions, and thoughts.
Share with me, just as I share with you!

So this is the first proof i created:

And this is the second:

I have just recently sent these to Chris for his feedback, i haven't heard from him yet, so the evolution will begin soon! Again, give me your feedback, as a blog reader!

[check me out on facebook]