Friday, September 12, 2008

Sound on Photography Logo, Twitter, Chelsea Petaja, and Incorrect Sentence Usage

just a few updates:
(I want to apologize for the recent lengthy posts full of text, and no images, so to go along with each of my updates on this post, i have included a photo, just for your viewing pleasure.)

The Sound On Photography logo evolution won't be needed! My initial thought was that we would see some font changes, color changes, sizing/spatial changes, concept changes, etc., and we would watch it grow from the beginning to the end, BUT that isn't necessary, cause Chris loved the design, and we will only be making some small changes to complete the logo. I won't be posting the logo on my blog once i am finished, but you can check it out on Chris' blog when i am finished and he uploads it.

Twittering is one of my new favorite things to do! It is so simple, and it is fun to let everyone know what you are up to, BUT i don't know a lot of people on the site, and that kind of makes me sad. I think it is because most people log onto facebook to check out what everyone is doing, but for some reason, i just prefer Twitter over Facebook. So join, and we can all follow each other.

I just found my friend, Chelsea's blog! I love this girl, and she is such an inspiration for creativity. You should definitely check her out, and buy something from her off etsy. And by the way, Chelsea is by far the most beautiful person i know. Just so you are aware.

I guess this is really some kind of blogging "disclaimer":
if you are becoming a regular reader, or if this is your first read, please be aware, that i absolutely love run-on sentences. I don't try to avoid them, more so, i try to use them as often as possible. I apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause to some of you, but to keep in the fashion of "being myself" on my blog, this is the way that i think, for the most part the way that i speak, so look forward to more run-on sentences to come.


[check me out on facebook]